So here's what I do. I generate a random word on my phone. Set my timer for ten minutes. Then just write about that word. Could be a story. Could be anything
Night had stolen time from day. Evil always did steal from good though didn't it? Tiny white shining diamond pin prick holes shone through it though. Bullets trying to end night's life before it had began. It always won in the end though, no matter how many shots were fired.
John's head span with a thousand ideas. He'd slammed he door on his marital home for the last time. He had his keys, wallet, phone and passport. The phone buzzed
Don't come back
Then a second buzz
Janet sneered through the curtains as John's car roared away. What a silly purchase. A Ford Mustang. When we had bills to pay. A future to plan. Well, that future looked very bleak now. Like the night sky. Bleak and without hope. She drew the curtains quickly and lay on their bed. He'd be back. He'd be back.
I'm not going back... thought John, sweat suddenly pouring from his forehead. Phone, keys, wallet... passport. He pulled out his phone and opened the Safari app. His shaky hand somehow managed to key in hotels near me before a car horn blared in his face. Jesus! Guilt fell over him in a blanket of darkness. He just drove. Drove and drove into the night sky.
Janet had long since switched the lamp on. Cold filled the air despite the heating being on. Sod the cost. Not now. She'd normally be asleep by now but something made her sink into the bed... something she hadn't felt before. Sinking. Sinking. Sinking. Drowning. Under water. Her black hair floated about her face. Her mouth bursting with air... desparate to fill her lungs.
John had copied a link to the hotels near me viciously pasted it into a text message to Janet. He began typing a message out:
I don't want t
was all he managed before blackness. Darkness. And red. Lots of red.
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