So here's what I do. I generate a random word on my phone. Set my timer for ten minutes. Then just write about that word. Could be a story. Could be anything. Could be good, could be bad... Drop It's all about perspective really. I mean sitting in the car on a cold, dreary Monday morning and seeing a drop of rain that quickly turns into several million drops of rain is pretty miserable. Then in summer, when I'm burning my brains out just trying to stay cool and in the shade, I can't say there is nothing I wouldn't do to make it rain suddenly. I always say I'd rather be cold than warm- you can always warm up if you're cold, but you can't always cool down if you're hot. Again this is about your perspective. I like to be comfortable and this is the only perspective I have. A drop of rain to me though is generally miserable. It reminds me that I am in England and that life can be dull and boring sometimes. However, let's take ourselves to Africa ...