So here's what I do. I generate a random word on my phone. Set my timer for ten minutes. Then just write about that word. Could be a story. Could be anything
"Hey stop!" I bellowed in desperation at the lady hurrying in front of me. "Hey! You dropped this!"
I looked down at what she had dropped. I could hardly believe she hadn't noticed as it clunked on the pavement. It was so heavy how had she not noticed?
No matter how much I shouted and bawled I couldn't get her to listen to me. Why wouldn't she turn around? Adorned with jewels and diamonds, the bracelet was something to behold- it must have been expensive. She must have wanted it back.
The louder I called, the faster she ran. I banged into people, knocking their handbags flying, listening to their deafening cries in my ears. I had to get to her. But she kept getting further and further away. By now I was so far out of my way that I would need a bus to retrace my steps to get back to work on time but I love a quest. Secretly I like being the hero... and what a hero I would be to this lady... if I could ever catch up to her.
I broke into a sprint, there was nothing else I could do. My rubber soled trainers slapped on the damp London pavement. Now I was gaining on her. She was in my sights- I had to catch her now. I sped past people and left them in my wake, even splashing them on the way drenching myself and others.
Eventually she was in touching distance. I tried to grab her shoulder but missed. I ran around to the front of her and looked her directly in the eyes as she made to cross the street.
"Hey! I've been chasing you for the last 10 minutes! I've been shouting you! You dropped your bracelet! Look!"
I waved what I thought was her bracelet in front of her face but my hand was empty.
The lady looked right though me. It was as if she had seen a ghost.
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